Carlos Warter is proud to be associated with Institute for Cultural Research, United Kingdom., Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, USA, American Group Psychotherapy Association, International Academy of Preventive Medicine, and American Academy of Family Physicians, International Group Psychotherapy Association and American College of Preventive Medicine.
Carlos Warter MD is a prominent DEA Certified Outpatient Pain Medicine and Buprenorphine/suboxone Detoxification Researcher since 1970 in Transpersonal Medicine, entheogenic therapies with Stan Groff, Leo Zeff, James Fadiman, Tomas Hanna, Moshe Feldenkrais, and complementary Therapy University of
Chile School of Medicine with Claudio Naranjo 1970-73.
Carlos Warter is the founder and president of the World Health Foundation for Development of Peace and received the United Nations General Assembly Peace Messenger Award in 1987. He met His Holiness Pope Jean Paul II in June 1986 and 1997. He is a Member American Academy Addiction Psychiatry and the American Academy of Pain Management.
Carlos Warter has amazing relationships with spiritual leaders around the world of wide and varied values and faiths.
Carlos Warter MD has been a part of various conferences with colleagues such as Ram Dass, Deepak Chopra, and Jack Canfield. He is associated with Stanley Krippner, Ralph Metzner, and others in the field being one of the first Resident Scholars in 1973 at Esalen Institute trained in Gestalt Therapy with Jim Simkin.
Carlos Warter is a noticeable Student of Leo Zeff in Berkeley CA 1979. He has accomplished a number of milestones in his 40 years’ experience. He also attended the First USA Conference on Vietnam at Cornell University 1967, invited by Robert Kennedy and the Department of State to observe the future of Medicine while in Medical School during 1967.
Carlos Warter has an association with Chilean Society of Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatric Medicine, Hawaii Medical Society (Honolulu), International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, American Society of Addiction Medicine and American Association of Addiction Psychiatry.